SMB 2010  -  BIOMAT 2010



































       SPS7 (TC L)
















    MS1 MS2 MS3

      MS4 BPS1 

    CT1 CT2 CT3

  MS8 MS9 MS10

      CT8 BPS2

   CT9 CT10 CT11

 MS11 MS12 MS13

  MS14 BPS3 BPS4

   CT12 CT13 CT14

  MS18 MS19 MS20

    MS21   BPS5

  CT19 CT20 CT21














    MS5 MS6 MS7


   CT5 CT6 CT7

        SMB GM

 MS15 MS16 MS17


   CT16 CT17 CT18















        LSP REC














REG - Registration

OPT – Opening Session -  BIOMAT 2010 Tutorials

OPS – Opening Session – SMB 2010 / BIOMAT 2010

WR – Welcome Reception

TT –  BIOMAT 2010 Tutorial

CB – Coffee-Break

SPS – SMB 2010 Plenary Speaker (01 hour)

MS- Mini-Symposium (02 hours)

BPS – BIOMAT 2010 Plenary Speaker (01 hour , 13:30 - 14:30)

CT – SMB 2010 Contributed Talk Session (02 hours)

RT – BIOMAT Consortium Round Table

POSV – Poster Viewing

GM – SMB 2010 General Meeting

LSPWT – Lee Segel Prize Winner(s) Talk(s)

LSPREC – Lee Segel Prize Reception

TCL – Torcom Chorbajian Lecture

TCREC – Torcom Chorbajian Reception

POSS – Poster Session

CD - Conference Dinner

SRJ – Sightseeing of Rio de Janeiro







SMB 2010 / BIOMAT 2010

2010 Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology

2010 International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology




           SPONSORED BY



     PRESIDENT:  M.C. MACKEY - McGill University, Canada




    PRESIDENT: R.P. MONDAINI -  Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil



Members of the Scientific Advisory Committee:


   Alan Perelson, Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM, USA

   Avner Friedman, Ohio State University, USA

   Eduardo González Olivares, Catholic University of Valparaiso, Chile

   Eduardo Massad, University of S. Paulo, Brazil

   Fernando Cordova Lepe, Catholic University del Maule, Chile

   Fernando Momo, Gen. Sarmiento University, Argentina

   Graciela Ana Canziani, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina  

   Hector Puebla, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Azcapotzalco, Mexico

   Helen Byrne, University of Nottingham, UK

   Jaime Mena Lorca, Catholic University of Valparaiso, Chile

   João Frederico C. Meyer, State University of Campinas, Brazil

   John Jungck, Beloit College, WI, USA

   Jorge Velasco Hernandez, Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Mexico

   José Fernando Fontanari, University of S. Paulo, S. Carlos, Brazil

   Ludek Berec, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic

   Michael C. Mackey, McGill University, Canada

   Nicholas F. Britton, University of Bath, UK

   Philip Maini, University of Oxford, UK

   Ramit Mehr, Bar-Ilan University, Israel

   Raymond Mejia, NIH Institutes of Health , Bethesda, USA

   Rebecca Tyson, University of British Columbia, Okanagan, Canada

   Richard Kerner, Pierre et Marie Curie University, France

   Rodney C. Bassanezi, Federal University ABC, Brazil

   Roxana Lopez Cruz, University of San Marcos, Peru 

   Rubem P. Mondaini, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil  (Chair)

   Santiago Schnell, University of Michigan, USA 

   Vitaly Volpert, University of Lyon, France






        SMB 2010 / BIOMAT 2010 - Rio de Janeiro, 24th -29th July 2010


       24th, 25th July   

       Chairman:  Leonardo Mondaini -  Federal Centre for Technological Education - CEFET/RJ,  Brazil

          TT1 - FERNANDO CORDOVA-LEPE - Universidad Catolica del Maule, Chile 

"Epidemiological Modeling with Impulsive Differential Equations"
 ,  10:00 - 11:30



TT2-  RICHARD KERNER - Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI, France

                   "Stochastic Matrix Methods in Biological Sciences"  ,   13:30 - 15:00

TT3 - HECTOR PUEBLA - Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Azcapotzalco, Mexico ,   

                  "Analysis and Control of Biochemical Oscillations" ,   15:30 - 17:00


                  Special BIOMAT certificates will be given to all registered participants. 


                  The BIOMAT  tutorials  are traditional on BIOMAT Symposia series (
                  The tutorials are aimed to encourage scientists to work on the interdisciplinary fields of the
                  Mathematical Modelling of Biosystems as well as to stimulate research students
                  on their future scientific careers.


                  All participants are welcome.  Due to a restriction on the number of seats of the Auditorium

                  for Tutorial Sessions, a message asking for participation should be sent to




  SMB 2010 / BIOMAT 2010 - Rio de Janeiro, 24th -29th July 2010



   SPS1.  JAMES KEENER  - University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

                    "Mechanisms of length regulation of flagella in Salmonella"

  Chairman:  Rubem P. Mondaini


    SPS2.  Cornelis Weijer - Division of Cell and Developmental Biology, College of Life Sciences,

  University of Dundee, UK

                                                  "Chemotactic cell movement during development "

         Chairman: Michael Mackey


      SPS3.  RAMIT MEHR - The Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences,  Bar-Ilan University

   Ramat-Gan,   Israel

                          "The humoral immune response - complexity and theoretical challenges"

   Chairman:  Avner Friedman


   SPS4.  Carlos Castillo-Chavez - Arizona State University, USA

                               "Epidemics, the Information Era, and the H1N1 pandemic influenza"

   Chairman: Raymond Mejía



                        Lee Segel Prize  -  Best Paper, Bull. Math. Biol. 72(1) (2010) 230 - 257

                    "Leading Students to investigate Diffusion as a Model of Brine Shrimp Movement"

   Chairman:   Philip Maini


  SPS6.  Thomas Höfer - German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany

                  "Gene-regulatory networks of T cell activation: bistability, stochasticity and memory"

         Chairman: Nicholas F. Britton


  SPS7.  JOHN BUSH - Massachussets Institute of Technology, USA - Torcom Chorbajian Lecture


         Chairman: Santiago Schnell


  SPS8.  DOROTHY WALLACE - Dartmouth College, USA

                 "Tiger Salamanders, the zetetics of population models and  the playas of West Texas"


          Chairman:  Louis Gross


     SPS9.  JACEK TUSZYNSKI -     University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

                     "Computational Approaches to the Discovery of New Cancer Drugs"

   Chairman: John Jungck



      SMB 2010 / BIOMAT 2010 - Rio de Janeiro, 24th -29th July 2010




       BPS1 CHARLES PEARCE -  University of Adelaide, Australia

                 " A Pedigree Analysis including persons with several degrees of separation and qualitative data"

     Chairman:  Rubem P. Mondaini - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


       BPS2 -  DE WITT SUMNERS -  Florida State University, USA

                                        " Using DNA Knots to assay Viral Genome Packing"

      Chairman:  Reidun Twarock - University of York, UK


       BPS3 -  ALEXANDER Y. GROSBERG - New York University, USA   

                                     " Large Scale Packing of DNA in Chromosomes"

      Chairman:  Charles Pearce - University of Adelaide, Australia


       BPS4 -   JOHN JUNGCK - Beloit College, USA

                 " Valuing Voronoi Visualizations"

     Chairman: José F. Fontanari - University of S. Paulo, Brazil


       BPS5 -  JOSÉ F. FONTANARI -  University of S. Paulo, Brazil

                  "Population Dynamics of the Spread of Opinions"

     Chairman:  Richard Kerner - University of Paris VI, France



      SMB 2010 / BIOMAT 2010 - Rio de Janeiro, 24th -29th July 2010





      Each talk has a duration of 30 min.  Rooms are equipped with data projectors.

          Minisymposium organizers  are requested to bring their own laptops

          Invited speakers are strongly encouraged to bring their contributions on USB drives




                       Yangjin Kim - University of Michigan in Dearborn, USA - The Role of Cancer's microenvironment in

                                              drug resistance 


                       Harsh Jain -  Mathematical Biosciences Institute, USA - Anti-cancer drug which target Bcl-2

                                            and Bcl-XL

                       Avner Friedman - Ohio State University, USA- Optimal scheduling of androgen inhibitors

                                                    in prostate cancer treatment


                       Heiko Enderling - Tufts University, School of Medecine, USA - Modeling treatment response in

                                                    self-metastatic tumors


                       Organizer:  Avner Friedman







                        Richard Kerner -  University of Paris VI, France - Symmetries and Internal Structures of Tubular

                                            Virus Capsids


                        Robijn Bruinsma - University of California, Los Angeles, USA -  Do Viruses obey the Rules?


                        Eric Dykeman -     University of York, UK - Cooperative effects of genome packaging and virus assembly

                                             in ssRNA viruses


                        Russel Schwartz - Carnegie Mellon University, USA - Understanding Virus Capsid assembly pathways

                                             with Stochastic Simulations


                        Organizer:  Reidun Twarock - University of York, UK






                       José D. Flores - University of South Dakota, USA - Ratio-dependent predator-prey model with Allee effect


                       Alejandro Rojas-Palma - Catholic University of Valparaiso, Chile - The Optimal thinning strategy

                                                               for a forestry


                       Fernando Córdova-Lepe - Catholic University del Maule, Chile -  Epidemiological control

                                                                 by impulsive removal of infectives


                       Eduardo Gonzalez-Olivares - Catholic University of Valparaiso, Chile- Gause-type

                                                        predator-prey models considering saturated refuge for preys


                      Organizer:  Eduardo Gonzalez-Olivares - Catholic University of Valparaiso, Chile                                                                                                                                                          


                        Guowei Wei - Michigan State University, USA - Differential Geometry based Multiscale

                                          Models for nano-bio systems


                        Jack R. Quine - Florida State University, USA - Protein Structure from Orientational Constraints


                       Shan Zhao - University of Alabama, USA - A Differential Geometry based study on Protein-Protein

                                       Binding Energy


                       Marcia Fenley - Florida State University, USA - Using the Poisson-Boltzmann Approach  and Counterion

                                            Condensation Theory to infer the contribution of Electrostatics to the Binding of Charged 

                                            Ligands to Nucleic Acids



                 Organizer:  Guowei Wei- Michigan State University, USA




                       Hector Puebla - Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, Mexico - Synchronization of

                                             Biochemical rhythms: an observer-based approach


                       America Morales - CINVESTAV -Saltillo, Mexico - Qualitative Analysis of Bioreactors


                       Ricardo Aguilar-Lopez - CINVESTAV -Saltillo, Mexico - State estimation in Prey-Predator Systems:

                                                          an observer-based approach


                       Margarita Gonzalez-Brambila - Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, Mexico -

                                                                      Modeling and Analysis of Biofilms 


                       Organizer:  Hector Puebla -  Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, Mexico



            MS6 - WHITHER BIOFLUID?



                     Jan Molacek - Massachussets Institute of Technology, USA - The Difference between Two-dimensional

                                            and Three-dimensional Diffusion and its importance in Biology


                     Jair Koiller - Getulio Vargas Foundation, Brazil  -  Acoustic streaming, a singular evolutionary

                                          2.7 Gyr innovation?


                     Kakani Katija - California Institute of Technology, USA - Comparison of flows generated by swimming

                                              jellyfish in the laboratory and in situ


                     Lydia Bourouiba - Massachussets Institute of Technology, USA - Droplet enrichment

                                                  and health hazards  


                    Organizer: Lydia Bourouiba - Massachussets Institute of Technology, USA





                      Max Souza - Fluminense Federal University, Brazil - Multi-scaling modeling

                                          in evolutionary dynamics


                      Fabio Chalub - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal - Discrete and  Continuous Models

                                              in Evolutionary Dynamics


                      Francisco Santos - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal - Social Diversity and the Evolution

                                                   of Cooperative Behaviour


                      Flávio L. Pinheiro - Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal - Symmetry Breaking and the Emergence

                                                     of Cooperation in Structured Populations


                      Organizer: Max Souza - Fluminense Federal University, Brazil






                       Maya Mincheva - Northern Illinois university, USA - Oscillations in Biochemical Reaction Networks


                       Atsushi Mochizuki - Theor. Biol. Lab. RIKEN Advanced Science Institute, Tokyo Institute of Technology,

                                                      Japan - Analyzing steady states of dynamics of bio-molecules from the structure

                                                      of regulatory networks.


                       Maria Leite - University of Oklahoma, USA - Multistability Oscillations and Bifurcations in feedback loops


                      Santiago Schnell - University of Michigan, USA - Identification of Aggregation Reaction conditions

                                                    associated with toxic Aggregation Thresholds found in Conformational Diseases



                       Organizer: Maya Mincheva- Northern Illinois University, USA






             John Jungck -  Beloit College, USA - Models for Collaborative Mathematical Biology Education


             David Carrol - Florida Institute of Technology, USA - Establishing an undergraduate research program and

                                    major in Biomathematics


             Louis Gross - University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA - Getting Ahead in Mathematical Biology Education

                                   A National Plan for Undergraduate Quantitative Life Science in the US.


             Meghan Burke - Kennesaw State University, USA - Best Practices in Undergraduate Research


             Organizer: Meghan Burke - Kennesaw State University, USA






               Raymond Mejía - National Institutes of Health, USA - Introduction


              Thomas Pannabecker - University of Arizona, USA - Integrating three-dimensional architecture and tubular and

                                                    vascular transport parameters into models of the urine concentrating mechanism


               Aniel Nieves-González - Suny Stony Brook, USA -  Efficiency of sodium transport in a model of

                                                      the thick ascending Limb


               Mariano Marcano - University of Puerto Rico - Parameter computation for a Mathematical Model of 

                                              the urine  concentrating process of neonatal Rats.


              Organizer:  Raymond Mejía -National Institutes of Health, USA







                Reidun Twarock -  University of York, UK - Viruses and Geometry


                De Witt Sumners -  Florida State University, USA -  DNA Knots in Viral Capsids


                Alex Evilevitch -     University of Lund, Sweden - DNA Heats Up:  Energetics of Genome ejection from

                                              Phage revealed by Isothermal titration calorimetry


                Giuliana Indelicato -   University of York, UK Structural transitions in viruses


                Organizer:  Richard Kerner - University of Paris VI, France







                  David Basanta - Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, Florida, USA - Using Networks to

                                                  understand the Ecology of Cancer


                  Alexander R. A. Anderson - Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, Florida, USA - Microenvironmental

                                                                   Independence in Tumor progression: An Integrated Approach


                  John Pepper - University of Arizona, USA -  Blocking niche construction by cancer cells


                  Robert A. Gatenby - Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, Florida, USA -  Evolutionary dynamics in Cancer therapy


                  Organizer: David Basanta- Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, Florida, USA 






                Robert Smith?- University of Ottawa, Canada - A Mathematical Model of Guinea

                                         Worm disease


                Alison Kealey - University of Manitoba, Canada - The Neglected Tropical Diseases:

                                        Infection, Modelling and Control


                Yasmine Samia - University of Ottawa, Canada - The Modelling of a theoretical Vaccine for

                                            Sleeping sickness


                Abba Gumel - University of Manitoba, Canada - Background bifurcation in dengue Transmission  dynamics


                Organizer:  Robert Smith?- University of Ottawa, Canada






              Stephen Wirkus - Arizona State University, USA - Mathematical Modeling of Fungal   Infection in Immune

                                          Compromised Individuals:  Implications for Treatment with Fungicidal Drugs


              Sarah Hews - Swarthmore College, USA - HBV Models:  The Role of Hepatocytes on Persistent Infection


              Faina Berezovskaya - Howard University, USA - Niche Construction in Resource-Dependent 

                                                 Competition  Models


              Jonathan Forde - Hobart and William Smith Colleges, USA -  Modeling Hepatitis Delta Infection


              Organizer:  Stephen Wirkus - Arizona State University, USA





                        Roberto A. Kraenkel - Institute for Theoretical Physics, UNESP, Brazil - Fisher-Kolmogorov    

                                                           in patches with complete isolation


                        Franciane Azevedo - Institute for Theoretical Physics, UNESP, Brazil - Competition in Habitat Patches


                        Juliana Berbert - Institute for Theoretical Physics, UNESP, Brazil - Modeling habitat split


                        Renato Coutinho - Institute for Theoretical Physics, UNESP, Brazil - An integro-difference model for the          

                                                     invasion of blowflies


                       Organizer:  Roberto A. Kraenkel - State University of S. Paulo, Brazil






                         Augusto C.N. Galeão - National Laboratory for Scientific Computing, Brazil - A new analytical

                                                               formulation of retention effects on Particle Diffusion Processes


                         Alexandre Madureira -  National Laboratory for Scientific Computing, Brazil - Multiscale Numerical

                                                                 Methods and an application in Neuroscience


                         Laurent Dardenne -  National Laboratory for Scientific Computing, Brazil  - First Principles protein

                                                            structure prediction using generic algorithms


                         Mauricio Kritz - National Laboratory  for Scientific Computing - Objects, Relations, Interaction Graphs

                                                     and Biological Dynamics


                         Organizer:   Sandra M.C. Malta - National Laboratory for Scientific Computing, Brazil








                          Isabel Gordo - Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal - Adaptation and epistasis in bacteria


                          Daniel Silvestre - University of S.Paulo, Brazil - Evolution of microbial genomic architecture:

                                                      causes and consequences


                          Paulo Campos - Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Brazil - The role of structuring and

                                                    heterogeneity in selection pressure in the clonal interference.


                          Emmanuel Tannenbaum - Ben-Gurion University, Israel - Diploidy and the selective advantage

                                                                    for sexual reproduction in unicellular organisms


              Organizer: José F. Fontanari - University of S. Paulo, Brazil





                           Jean-Marc Victor - University of Paris VI, France - From Tangram dissection puzzles to Intrinsically

                                                        Unstructured Proteins


                           Alexander Y. Grosberg - New York University, USA - Electrohydrodynamic docking of DNA into 



                           Giovanni Feverati - Savoie University, France - Oligomeric Interfaces under the lens:

                                                           Gemini.  Focus on the 2-beta geometry


                           Jakob Bohr -         Lyngby University, Denmark - The close-packed triple helix as a possible

                                                 new structural motif for collagen


                           Organizer:  Jean-Marc Victor- University of Paris VI, France






                         Anotida Madzvamuse - University of Sussex, UK - The Stability Analysis of

                         non-autonomous reaction-diffusion systems:  the effects of growing domains


                         Raquel Barreira - Instituto Politecnico de Setubal, Portugal - Surface finite element method

                         for pattern formation on growing biological surfaces


                         Ruth Baker - University of Oxford, UK - Correcting mean-field approximations for
                                             birth-death-movement processes

                         Rafael A. Barrio - Universidad Nacional Autonoma, Mexico - Effects of spatial dependence in cell

                         differentiation induced by gene expression


                         Organizer:  Anotida Madzvamuse - University of Sussex, UK





                           Claudia Codeço - Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Brazil - Considerations regarding disease modelling:

                                                         when we need to combine theory, data and decision making


                           Liliam Medeiros - National Institute for Space Research, Brazil - Modeling the spread of dengue

                                                       infection with a spatially explicit dynamic stochastic model


                           Roberto A. Kraenkel - Institute for Theoretical Physics, UNESP, Brazil - Resonances and bi-modality

                                                              in a model for cholera


                           Jorge Pacheco - Universidade do Minho, Portugal - Adaptive contact networks change disease

                                                      infectiousness and dynamics  


                           Organizer:  Stefanella Boatto - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil







                            Bori Mazzag - Humboldt State University, USA - The effect of noisy flow on endothelial cell



                            Laura Miller - University of North Carolina, USA - Flow around primary cilia, microvili                                                

                                                  and glycocalyx


                            Name - Affiliation(s) - Title to be announced


                            Hans Vink - University Maastricht, Netherlands - Early marker and therapeutic target of vascular

                                               complications in diabetes 


                            Organizer:  Bori Mazzag - Humboldt State University, USA 











          SMB 2010 / BIOMAT 2010 - Rio de Janeiro, 24th - 29th July 2010



               Each contributed talk has a duration of 15 min +  05 min for questions and discussions.

               Rooms are equipped with data projectors.  A suggestion for contributed talk presenters

               is to bring their contributions on USB drives to be loaded before the beginning of the section





                Chairman:  Carlos Castillo Chavez - Arizona State University, USA

                CT11 -  Diffusive Instability of a Disease.


                            Edgar Diaz,  Arizona State University, USA


                CT12 -  Modelling the Control of Malaria by genetically modified vectors.

Andres A. Ramirez, Fredy Olarte, Carlos Clavijo, Hernando Diaz,

                            Universidad Nacional de Colombia

                CT13 -  Modeling decision making considering collective versus individual interests in public health

                    Eduardo Massad, Armando Freitas da Rocha, Marcelo Nascimento Burattini, Cláudio

                            José Struchiner

                            University of S. Paulo; Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Brazil


                 CT14 - A Nested Model to Study Spread of Tuberculosis
Aquino L. Espindola,   Chris Bauch,

                            Fluminense Federal University, Brazil; University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada


                 CT15 - A risk dispersion study of animal diseases: the avian influenza case.

                            Juliana M. R. de Souza, João Frederico C. A. Meyer

                            State University of Campinas, Brazil


                 CT16 -  Critical imune and vaccination thresholds for deterrmining multiple epidemic waves.

                            Laura Matrajt, Ira Longini

                            University of Washington, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, Washington, USA



                 CT2 -  DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY


                 Chairman:  Raymond Mejía - National Institutes of Health, USA


                 CT21 - Calculating metabolic responses from the stoichiometric network and optimization principles.

                            Miguel Ponce de Leon, Hector Cancela, Luis Acerenza

                            Universidad de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay


                 CT22 - On Models of Early Biological Evolution:  Does the error threshold really exist?

                            Georgy Karev,  Lockheed Martin

                            National Institutes of Health, USA


                 CT23 - Variations on a Theme by Darwin: A Topological Perspective on Quantifying Variation in the

                            Genotype- Phenotype Relation.

                            Amir H. Assadi , Hesam T. Dashti, Sabrina Guettes, Jernej Tonejc, Liya Wang

                            University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA


                 CT24-  Evolution: ON/OFF.


                            Lennart Hilbert,  McGill University, Canada




                 CT3 -   COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY


                 Chairman:  John Jungck - Beloit College, USA



                 CT31 - DifFUZZY: A fuzzy spectral clustering algorithm for complex data sets.


                            Ornella Cominetti , Anastasios Matzavinos , Sandhya Samarasinghe , Don Kulasiri , Sijia Liu ,

                            Philip K. Maini , Radek Erban

                             University of Oxford,UK;  Iowa State University,
Lincoln University, USA

                  CT32 -  Universal features for coding DNA prediction

Diego Frías,  Nicolas Carels- State University of Bahia, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Brazil


                  CT33 - Linear trees, lattice walks and RNA base-point mutations


                             Asamoah Nkwanta ,Sumitra Rudra

                             Morgan State University, USA


                  CT34 - Towards a Colonic Crypt Model With Realistic, Deformable Geometry

                           Sara-Jane Dunn, James Osborne, Helen Byrne, Jon Chapman, David Gavaghan
                           University of Oxford, UK, University of Nottingham, UK



                 CT4 -   POPULATION BIOLOGY I


                 Chairman:  José F. Fontanari - University of S. Paulo, Brazil



                 CT41 -   The Influence of Mating Strategies on the Allee Effect

Dorothy Wallace, Rashmi Agarwal, Mitsuo Kobayashi
                             Dartmouth College, USA

                 CT42 - Hubbell, Levins, and Allee: Reconciling stochastic and deterministic models of community dynamics

  Andrew E. Noble, William F. Fagan
                             University of Maryland  


                 CT43 -  Implication of predator and prey stage-structures for the dynamics of intraguild predation

                             Gabriel Andreguetto Maciel, Roberto André Kraenkel
                             Institute for Theoretical Physics, UNESP, Brazil

CT44 - On the use of mechanistic and data-driven models in population dynamics: the case of tuberculosis

                           in the US over that past two centuries


                           Juan Pablo Aparicio, Carlos Castillo-Chavez

                           Instituto de Investigacion en Energias no Convencionales, CONICET-UNSa  , School of Human

                           Evolution and Social Changes, 
                           Arizona State University, USA


                CT45 -  Eating competitors speeds up invasions

 Richard Hall,  University of Georgia, USA



                Chairman:  Ramit Mehr - Bar-Ilan University, Israel



                CT51 -  Modelling Natural Killer cell Development and Education

   Ramit  Mehr;
                             Bar Ilan University, Israel


CT52 -   The optimal T cell response.


                             Koichi Saeki, Yoh Iwasa

                             Kyushu University, Japan


                CT53 -  Antibody responses during viral infection


                            Stanca Ciupe,  University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA


                CT54 -  Quantitative Analysis of The Number of CD4 Lymphocytes In Normal and HIV Infection

                            Aliev B.R., Hidirov B.N., Saidalieva M., Nosirov B.V.
                            Academy of Sciences -Republic of Uzbekistan



                 CT6 -  POPULATIONAL GENETICS


                 Chairman:  Charles Pearce - University of Adelaide, Australia


                 CT61 -  Structure of regulatory networks and dynamics of bio-molecules: Predicting unknown from known

                             Atsushi Mochizuki, Daisuke Saito
                             Theor. Biol. Lab. RIKEN Advanced Science Institute, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan


                 CT62 - Gene regulatory network for vertebrate somite segmentation

                            Daisuke Saito,  Atsushi Mochizuki
                            Theor. Biol. Lab. RIKEN Advanced Science Institute,  Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

                 CT63 - Evolutionary Dynamics of BRCA1 mutations in Breast Tumorigenesis

                            Laura De Vargas Roditi,  Franziska Michor
                            Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center,  USA


                 CT64 -  Modelling the spread of cholera

                             Charles Pearce, School of Mathematical Sciences,  University of Adelaide, Australia

                  CT65 - Mobile genetic elements may commit evolutionary suicide

                             Nicholas F Britton          
                             University of Bath, UK


                 CT7 -  POPULATION BIOLOGY II

                 Chairman:  Lia Hemerik - Wageningen University, Netherlands

                  CT71-   Generalized populational dynamics models

                              Brenno Caetano Troca Cabella, Alexandre Souto Martinez
                              Departamento de Física e Matemática / FFCLRP/ University of S. Paulo, Brazil

  CT72 - Honeybee demography: the vital role of foragers in maintaining colony populations

                              Mary Myerscough, David Khoury , Andrew Barron
                              School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sydney, Australia

                   CT73 -   A tumor model to study tumor micro environment and growth under the effects of ionizing irradiation.

                              Enrique W. Izaguirre , I-Tan Su
                              Washington University in Saint Louis, USA

                  CT74 - The spatiotemporal dynamics of African Cassava Mosaic Disease

                             Zoe E. Lawrence, Dorothy Wallace
                             Dartmouth College, USA

                  CT75 - Control of West Nile Virus by Insecticide in the Presence of an Avian Reservoir

                              Emily Baumrin, Jocelyn Drexinger, Jennifer Sotsky, Dorothy Wallace
                              Dartmouth College, USA


                  CT8 -  NEUROBIOLOGY

                  Chairman:  Michael Mackey - McGill University, Canada

                  CT81 - A mathematical model of ionic currents through the microtubule lumen

                             Holly Freedman, Vahid Rezania, Avner Priela, Eric Carpenter, Sergei Noskov, Jack Tuszynski
                             MacEwan University, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

                  CT82 - Mathematical modeling of the switch between spaced and massed learning in Aplysia californica

                             Faisal Naqib, Carole Abi Farah, Christopher C Pack, Wayne S Sossin.

                             Montreal Neurological Institute. McGill University, Canada

                  CT83 - Non-linear analysis and clustering of neuroepithelial cell proliferation in chick embryo central

                             nervous system


                            J. Mazzeo, M. Rapacioli, S. Duarte, V. Flores
                             Buenos Aires University, Favaloro University


                  CT9 -  POPULATION BIOLOGY III  

                  Chairman:  Hector Puebla - Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Azcapotzalco, Mexico

                  CT91 -    A hybrid model of interaction between tumor cells and microenviroment

                              Yangjin Kim, Sookkyung Lim ,  Avner Friedman
                              University of Michigan, University of Cincinnati

                              Ohio State University

                    CT92 -  Cancer drug treatment causes evolution

                             Edward Flach,  Inna Fedorenko, Keiran S M Smalley , Alexander Anderson

                             Moffitt Cancer Center,Tampa, FL, USA

                  CT93 -  Reintroduction of the otter (Lutra lutra): Analysing the viability of a reintroduced population with

                              matrix population models

                            Lia Hemerik, Maëlle Seignobosc, and Hans-Peter Koelewijn
                            Wageningen University and Research Centre, Netherlands

                 CT94 - A modified Leslie-Gower predator-prey model with hyperbolic functional response and Allee effect

                            on prey 


                            Claudio Arancibia-Ibarra,  Eduardo González-Olivares,

                            Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile

                 CT95 -  Image analysis for the monitoring of an invasive squirrel species

                            V.V.  Benitez, C. Gozzi, M. Hertzriken, S.R.Doyle,

                            Universidad Nacional de Luján, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Argentina.

                 CT96 - Optimal management of a fishing resource considering a marine protected area 

                            Jaime Huincahue-Arcos,  Eduardo González-Olivares

                            Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile


                 CT10 -  ECOLOGY I

                 Chairman:  Fernando Momo - University of General Sarmiento, Argentina

                 CT101 - Cultural evolution in a lattice: the majority-vote model as a frequency-dependent bias model

                              of cultural transmission

                              Jose Fernando Fontanari, University of S. Paulo, Brazil

                 CT102 - The Bioaccumulation of Methylmercury in an Aquatic Ecosystem

                              Nicole Johns, Jane Kurtzman, Samuel Rauch, Zoe Shtasel-Gottlieb, Dorothy Wallace,

                              Dartmouth College, USA

                 CT103 - Fractal habitats and ecology: ecological effects of self-similarity in marine, freshwater and

                              soil environments


                             Fernando Momo, Santiago Doyle, Andrés Duhour.

                             Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento - Conicet


                 CT104 - ALLOMETRIC Trade-off, neutral and niche-based processes Explains Phytoplankton species

                             coexistence and size structure in rocha coastal lagoon-Uruguay


                             Angel M. Segura  Danilo Calliari ,Carla Kruk, Daniel Conde, Sylvia Bonilla, Fort Hugo

                             Universidad de la República, Uruguay


                 CT11 - BIOFLUIDYNAMICS

                 Chairman:  John Bush - Massachussets Institute of Technology, USA


                 CT111 - Modeling of Amoeboid Locomotion and Designing Amoeboid Robot

                            Ryo Kobayashi, Toshiyuki Nakagaki , Akio Ishiguro

                             Hiroshima University, Future Univ.-Hakodate, Tohoku University, Japan


                 CT112 - Shear thinning of actin in endothelial cell mechanotransduction

  Bori Mazzag, Elika Ketabchi, Humboldt State University, USA



                 CT113 - Modeling and numerical simulations of the fluid dynamics of feeding in the upside down

                             jellyfish, Cassiopea sp.

                             Christina Hamlet, Laura Miller, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

                 CT114 -  A hydrodynamic approach to locomotion of flagellated bacteria near surfaces

                              Henry Shum,  Eamonn Gaffney

                              Centre for Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, UK

                 CT115 -  Flight of the smallest insects

                              Laura Miller, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

                 CT116 -  Non-linear instabilities in flagellar dynamics may affect cell behaviour

                               H. Gadęlha, E.A. Gaffney, D.J. Smith and J.C. Kirkman-Brown
                               University of Oxford, University of Birmingham, UK



                 Chairman:  Eduardo Massad - University of S. Paulo

                 CT121 -  The Influence of Education in Reducing the HIV Epidemic              

                              Hem Raj Joshi, Xavier University,USA


                 CT122 - Mathematical model of vaccination against influenza A(H1N1)

                              Irene Duarte Gandica, Milena Corrales Álvarez ,

                              Universidad del Quindío. Armenia, Quindío, Colombia.

                 CT123 - Country and Disease Specific Epidemiological Modeling: A Review

                              Ebru Selin Selen, Burcu Adivar, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey

                 CT124 - Incidence of HIV on Tuberculosis in Armenia, Colombia

                              Milena Corrales Alvarez,  Elmer de la Pava S. , Luis Hernando Hurtado

                              Universidad del Quindío, Colombia


                 CT125 -  A metapopulation affected by a SIS disease. Consequences in the Sink of Infections in the

                               F. Cordova-Lepe, R. Del-Valle, Universidad Catolica del Maule, Chile


                 CT126 -  Continuous Mathematical Model For the Dynamics spread of Influenza A H1N1 virus, and Its Sensitivity

                               and sensibility analysis - Case: Peru.    

                         David Requena-Anicama, JoseSegovia-Juarez
                               Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Universidad Peruana Caetano Heredia, Peru



                 CT13 - SYSTEMS BIOLOGY I

                 Chairman:  James Keener - University of Utah, USA


                 CT131 - Instabilities in model of gene regulatory networks with delay and stochasticity

                               Mathieu Gaudreault, Jorge Vinals, McGill University, Canada

                 CT132 - From master equations to the mean-field: A novel analysis of deterministic epidemic models

                              on contact networks

                              Kieran J. Sharkey,  University of Liverpool, UK

                 CT133 -  The evolution of virulence in RNA viruses under a competition-colonization trade-off

                             Edgar Delgado-Eckert, Samuel Ojosnegros,  Niko Beerenwinkel.

                             Department of Biosystems Science , ETH Zurich,  Basel, Switzerland.

                 CT134 - Dynamic analysis of a genetic circuit for metabolic feedback regulation

                             Diego A. Oyarzún,  Madalena Chaves, Institut national de recherche en informatique

                             et automatique (INRIA), France

               CT135 - Spatio-Temporal Calcium Dynamics in the Interstitial Cells of Cajal

                             Shawn Means , James Sneyd,  University of Auckland, New Zealand


                 CT14 -  MOLECULAR BIOLOGY I

                 Chairman:  Jack Tuszynski - University of Alberta, Canada


                 CT141 - Trying to understand the prion dynamics: a mathematical analysis of prion proliferation,

                              application to models in epidemiology


                              Laurent Pujo-Menjouet, Glenn F. Webb, Meredith L. Greer, Jean-Pierre Liautard,

                              Erwan Hingant, Romain Yvinec
                              Université Claude Bernard Lyon  France

                 CT142 -  Dynamics of prion proliferation, from biological experiments to mathematical models

                               Erwan Hingant,  Institut Camille Jordan, Université de Lyon , France

                 CT143 -  In silico single-molecule manipulation with rigid body dynamics: an efficient tool for

                              computing linking number.

                              Carrivain Pascal - Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France

                 CT144 -  On the topology of chromatin fibers

                               Maria Barbi, Julien Mozziconacci, Hua Wong, Jean-Marc Victor,

                               Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France


                 CT145 - Linear Optimization approach to the Stability of Amide Planes in Proteins  


                             Rubem P. Mondaini, Sandro Vilela  - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


                 CT15 -  MOLECULAR BIOLOGY II

                 Chairman:   Maya Mincheva - Northern Illinois University, USA


                 CT151 -  Optimization of Nanopore Experiments performed under Constant Voltage

                              Christopher  Simon,  Hongyun Wang
                              University of California, Santa Cruz, USA

                 CT152 -  Diffusion and Bursting in gene expression

                               Romain Yvinec, Institut Camille Jordan, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France

                 CT153 - Differential geometry based multiscale models

                              Guowei  Wei,  Michigan State University,USA

                 CT154 - Markov Chain Modelling of Polymer Translocation through membrane pores

                              Felipe Mondaini, Luca Moriconi

                              Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


                 CT155 -  Boundary Conditions on Protein Structures in Assemblies
                              with Non-Crystallographic Symmetries


                             Thomas Keef, University of York, UK


                 CT16 -  MORPHOLOGY I                               

                 Chairman:  Philip Maini - University of Oxford, UK


                 CT161 -  Modelling cell migration in the mouse embryo

                              Aaron M. Smith, Shankar Srinivas, Ruth E. Baker, David Kay, Philip K. Maini,

                              University of Oxford, UK

                 CT162 - A comparison between discrete and continuous models of feather bud formation


                             Charlotte Jupp,  Ruth Baker,  Philip Maini, University of Oxford, UK



                 CT163 - A mathematical model of somitogenesis pattern dynamics

                             Philip J. Murray , Ruth E. Baker, Philip K. Maini, UK

                 CT164 - Chaos in the Turing regime of a reaction-diffusion system.

                             J. L. Aragon ,  R.A. Barrio , T.E. Woolley , R.E. Baker , P.K. Maini

.                            Universidad Autonoma de Mexico,UNAM, Mexico, University of Oxford, UK.


                 CT17 -  ECOLOGY II

                 Chairman:  Fernando Cordova-Lepe - Universidad Catolica del Maule, Chile  


                 CT171 - Evolutionary dynamics of Climate Change under the Collective Risk Dilemma

                             Jorge M. Pacheco, Francisco C. Santos,

                             Universidade do Minho, Universidade Nova de Lisboa,Portugal

                 CT172 - Regularity of Optimal Cost functional applied to study of Environmental Pollution

                              Santina de F. Arantes, Jaime E. M. Rivera,

                              National Laboratory for Scientific Computing, Brazil


                 CT173 - A Model for Dispersion of Pollutants in the Air using Fuzzy parameters

                              C.C. Oliveira, P.H.C. Mello, R.S.M. Jafelice, J.F.C.A. Meyer,

                              Federal University of Uberlandia, State University of Campinas, Brazil


                 CT174 - Analysis of robust equilibrium of uncertain predator-prey systems in sugar cane crops

                             Alfredo Del Sole Lordelo, Iris Gobato Gercov

                             Universidade Federal do ABC, Brazil


                 CT18 -   MORPHOLOGY II 

                 Chairman:  Dorothy Wallace - Dartmouth College, USA 


                 CT181 - Notochord cellular intercalation in zebrafish

                              Colette Calmelet, Nick Flann, Diane Sepich
                              California State University, USA

                 CT182 - Tumor growth and morphology: Directed cell migration and the gain and loss of the

                              self-metastatic phenotype

                              Heiko Enderling, Lynn Hlatky, Philip Hahnfeldt
                              Tufts University School of Medicine,USA


                 CT183 - An Ecological Succession with Multifractal Properties:  The Spatial Pattern of Periphyton



                              Leonardo Saravia, Fernando Momo, Adonis Giorgi.

                              Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Argentina

                 CT184 - Control and synchronizaction of chemotaxis patterning

                             Hector Puebla, Eliseo Hernandez-Martinez, Sergio Martinez-Delgadillo, Mexico


                 CT19 -   SYSTEMS BIOLOGY II   

                 Chairman:  Nick Britton -  University of Bath, UK   

                 CT191 - Selection for efficient cooperation can drive the evolution of intelligence

                             Luke McNally,  Andrew L. Jackson;

                             Zoology Department, School of Natural Science, Trinity College Dublin

                 CT192 - The Ecology of cancer: a Network perspective

                               Ferenc Jordan, David Basanta

                               University of Trento Centre for Computational and Systems Biology, Trento, Italy.

                               Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, FL, USA


                 CT193 - Effects of motility and contact inhibition on tumor viability: a discrete simulation using

                              the cellular potts model

                             Jonathan Li, John Lowengrub, University of California, Irvine, USA

                 CT194 - Stabilizing Control for a Pulsatile Cardiovascular Mathematical Model

                              Aurelio de los Reyes , Franz Kappel
                              University of Philippines, University of Graz, Austria

                  CT195 - A new method for testing thermodynamic optimization of ecological systems

                               S.R.Doyle , F.M. Carusela, S. Guala , F.R.Momo

                               Instituto de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento,  Argentina

                 CT196 - Model transcriptional networks with continuously varying expression levels

                             Mauricio Carneiro  Harvard University


                 Chairman:  Louis Gross - University of Tennessee, USA


                 CT201 - Age-structured modeling for the directly transmitted infections { II: Evaluating the
                             basic reproduction number

C.H. Dezotti, H.M. Yang
                             Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, State University of Campinas, Brazil



M. Rossi,  H. J. Shimozako, G.  Ketsetzis
                             University of S. Paulo, Brazil

                             Health Protection Agency,UK


                 CT203 - Assessing the effect of targeted prophylaxis during the early phase

                              of influenza A (H1N1) 2009 pandemic in Argentina


                              Andrés Finkelsteyn,  Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas para la Defensa, Argentina


                 CT204-   Bayesian Parameter Estimation in Dynamical Models with Applications to Forecasting

                             Flavio Coelho,  Gulbenkian Institute - Portugal


                 CT205 -  Modeling the Impact of Age-Structured Vaccination Strategies


                              César Castilho  Univ. Federal de Pernambuco - Brazil



                    CT21 -  SYSTEMS BIOLOGY III

                    Chairman:  Roberto A. Kraenkel - State University of S.Paulo, Brazil    


                    CT211 - The Hidden Energy in Irreversible Fluctuations as the Origin of Noise Induced Phenomena

                                Lisa Bishop, Hong Qian
                                Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington, USA

                   CT212 - Non-Essential Sites Improve Phosphorylation Switch

                                Liming Wang, Qing Nie, German Enciso
                                University of California Irvine

                   CT213 - Lie symmetries and stochastic modeling of gene regulation

                               Alexandre F. Ramos,  University of S. Paulo, Brazil

                   CT214-  Multilevel modeling of the spatio-temporal dynamics of phototrophic biofilms

                               Inês Isidro, João Santos, Daniel Damineli, Andreas Bohn
                               Instituto de Tecnologia Quimica e Biologica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Oeiras, Portugal

                   CT215 - Transfer functions in dynamic generalized linear models with application to

                               the effect of atmospheric pollution on health

                               Mariane Alves - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro IM-UFRJ ( Brazil)





     SMB 2010 / BIOMAT 2010 - Rio de Janeiro, 24th -29th July 2010



         Chairman:  Sandra M.C. Malta - National Laboratory for Scientific Computing,  Brazil

     Each poster presenter will be assigned to a double core poster board. 

          Each core has 59 cm X 90 cm ~  23.2 inches X 35.4 inches

          Poster mounting supplies will be provided at the conference


          A collection of books published by World Scientific Co. from BIOMAT series

          (indexed at ISI / Web of Science - Scientific Proceedings Citation Index) will be

          given as a special BIOMAT Prize to the presenter of the best poster



   1.  The Lotka-Volterra Model for Competitions between two Species

David Zavaleta Villanueva

           Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil

     2.   A time-varying autoregressive model based on wavelets for irregularly spaced non-stationary time series

           Sonia Yamile Roa,  Gladys Elena Salcedo

           University of Quindio, Armenia, Colombia

Spatial mathematical model of the pandemic virus AH1N1/09 outbreak in Bogotá D.C. City.

            Diego F. Aranda,  Lilian M. Nuñez  Deccy Y. Trejos,  Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de
            Caldas, Colombia

     4.  Replica Dynamics and the Principle of Minimum Discrimination Information

           G.Karev , Lockheed Martin MSD, National Institutes of Health, USA

     5.  Age-structured modeling for the directly transmitted infection
I: Characterizing the basic

           reproduction number


           C. Dezotti, Hyun Mo Yang

           State University of Campinas, Brazil


     6.  Ectopic germinal centers in the thymus of Myasthenia Gravis patients show characteristics of normal

           germinal centers

N. S. Zuckerman, W. A. Howard, H. Edelman, S. Berrih-Aknin, D. Dunn-Walters, R. Mehr
            Bar-Ilan University,  Israel,
            King’s College London  United Kingdom,
            Hôpital Marie Lannelongue, Université Paris-Sud, France

     7.  Speciation: the role of epistasis and spatial heterogeneity

           Paulo R. A. Campos , Viviane M. de Oliveira, Alexandre Rosas

           Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Federal University of Paraiba, Brazil

     8.  Implementation of a combined least-cost model and a spatially explicit dispersal model

            for the conservation of Jaguars in Colombia


            Juan M. Cordovez, Adriana Maria Bernal,
            Universidad de los Andes, Colombia.

     9. The Importance of Numerical Analysis on the Optimization of Trancranial Direct Current Stimulation


            Paula Faria, Alberto Leal
            Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa, Portugal


    10. Going with the flow: How endothelial cells distinguish between oscillatory and pulsatile flow using ion channels

             Jonathan Pace, Bori Mazzag (Department of Mathematics, Humboldt State University), USA

             Abdul. I. Barakat (Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, UC Davis), USA

     11. Stability and Chaos of the three species food chain model

              J.S .Protazio. , L.S. Ribeiro, J.M.B Protazio, H.L.S. Silva

              Federal University of Pará, Brazil

     12.  Construction of Space-Time and Dynamics for Phenotypic Variation in Developmental Plant Biology

              Amir H. Assadi   Hesam T. Dashti, Sabrina Guettes, Jernej Tonejc,  Liya Wang

               University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA

     13.  Numerical solutions of Equations with Pulses as Models for some Biological Systems 


            Rodrigo del Valle,  Universidad Catolica del Maule, Chile

     14.  MDS-Based techniques to map genomic data: A comparative study

  Soledad Espezúa Llerena,  Carlos Dias Maciel,
University of S. Paulo


     15. Studies of Biological Tissues of the Meat using Numericl Methods and measuring

             the Magnetic Permeability and  the Dielectric Permitivitty in Microwave frequencies

Samuel Ángel Jaramillo Flórez, Linda Robledo Garzón,  Andrés Felipe López Henao
             University of  Quindio, Colombia


      16. Mathematical of Thermal processes in Foods by  infrared and microwave frequencies


           Linda Robledo Garzón, Andrés Felipe López Henao, Samuel Ángel Jaramillo Flórez
              University of Quindio, Colombia

     17. Shape-Based Model for Optical and Microwave Medical Imaging Using Circular Polarization Waves

              Sandra Liliana Alzate Plaza, Samuel Ángel Jaramillo Flórez,  Linda Robledo Garzón
              University of Quindio, Colombia

     18. Hyperbolic Smoothing and Penalty Techniques with divide and conquer

              Michael Souza, Carlile Lavor, Adilson Elias Xavier, Nelson Maculan
             State University of Campinas, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

      19. An Analysis Deterministic Epidemiological Models SEIR and SIR: An Introduction Model SEIR-E

              through Stochastic Algorithm and Complex Network

             Nelson Machado Barbosa
Federal Centre of Technological Education, Nova Friburgo, Brazil

      20. Modelling the Connection between Stem Cells and Tumor Development

               N.M. Gualberto-Leite, M.E. Gouvêa, C.H.C. Moreira
               Instituto Federal Norte de Minas Gerais, Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais,
               Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, BRAZIL

New Invariants for Topological Dynamical Systems Arising from Integrative Models in Systems Biology

               Part I:  Massively Parallel GPU-based Computation of Hyperbolic Invariants for Adapting Concepts

               of Empirical Topology to Modeling Dynamics in Systems Biology


               Sina Keshtkar, Hesam Torabi,  Adel Ardalan,  Mina Jamshidi,  Adel Talaat,  Amir Assadi ,  Liya Wang
               University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA

    22.  High Performance Computational Mathematics Meets Systems Biology: High Accuracy Algorithms

              and Massively GPU-Parallel Implementation for Effective Computation of Singular Values

              of Very Large Dense Matrices.

   Ahmadreza Khadem , Mohammad Khabbazian , Hesam Torabi, Liya Wang , Amir Assadi
               Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

               University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA.

               Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, NY, USA.

      23.  Robust Control Approaches for Regulation of Diabetes Type I

               Hector Puebla, Margarita Gonzalez Brambila, José A. Colin Luna,

               Hugo Oscar Mendez Acosta, Alejandra Velasco

               Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, Universidad de Guadalajara,

               Universidad Veracruzana

      24. Estimating the photosynthetic inhibition by Ultra Violet Radiation on the Antarctic phytoplankton algae

               Carlos Mario Ocampo , Gladys Elena Salcedo Echeverry, Fernando Roberto Momo
               University of Quindío, Colombia; University Nacional of Luján, Argentina

Visualization of the evolutionary process of Protein Structure Prediction and its Potential Energy

               Andrade, F. B.; Brasil, C. R. S.; Bonetti, D. R. F.; Melo, V.; Delbem, A. C. B.
               University of S. Paulo, Brazil


      26.  Country and Disease Specific Epidemiological Modeling: A Review
             Ebru Selin Selen
               Izmir University of Economics
, Turkey

Immunoediting: promotion, inhibition and selection in self-metastatic tumor growth

            Heiko Enderling, Lynn Hlatky, Philip Hahnfeldt
              Tufts University School of Medicine, USA

      28.  Improving the efficiency of the van der Waals energy function used in the
                Genetic Algorithms for Protein Structure Prediction

                Daniel Rodrigo Ferraz Bonetti, Alexandre Cláudio Botazzo Delbem,

                Felipe Brunelli de Andrade
                University of S.Paulo, Brazil


      29.  A framework for classification of histological images - application of graph analysis and machine

               learning methods


             Beatriz Stransky , Francisco de Assis Zampirolli, Ana Carolina Lorena , Fabio Luis de Melo Paulon
               Federal University of ABC, Brazil

A Dynamical Approach to study the Immunocompetence and the Immunological Tolerance of Mammals


                Alexandre de Castro; Sônia Ternes; Domingos Alves
                Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA); University of S.Paulo, Brazil



     31.  Fisher’s model in the context of compensatory evolution to antibiotic resistance

 Ana Sousa, Sara Magalhães, Isabel Gordo
               Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência
               Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal



     32.  The approach of Linear Mathematical Programming and the Molecular Structure of Proteins


               Rubem P. Mondaini, Sandro Vilela

               Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


 33.  Modeling two-oscillator circadian systems under the influence of conflicting zeitgebers


               Daniel S.C. Damineli, Andreas Bohn

               Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal









 updated on 22/07/10 10:54