CP7 - Bahrom Aliev (Uzbek Institute of Virology - Uzbekistan)
Mathematical and Computer Modeling of Molecular-Genetic Mechanisms
of Liver Cells Infection by Hepatitis B Virus
CP8 - Armando Neves (Federal University of Minas Gerais - Brazil)
The Number of Generations Between Branching Events in a
Galton-Watson Tree and its Application to Human Mitochondrial DNA
CP9 - Fernando Córdova-Lepe (Catholic University of Maule - Chile)
Advances in a Theory of Impulsive Differential Equations at
Impulse-Dependent Times, with Applications to Bio-economics
CP10 - Ana Paula Wyse (LNCC - National Laboratory for Scientific
Computing - Brazil)
The Relationship Between Environment Temperature and Treatment
Intensity to Reduce Malaria Based on a Mathematical Model
CP11 - Mohiniso Hidirova (Institute of Informatics -
Mathematical Modeling of Apoptosis Regulatory Mechanisms
CP12 - Pedro Licinio (Federal University of Minas Gerais - Brazil)
Tetrahedrical Representation for Nucleotide Sequences
CP13 - Caroline Colijn (Harvard School of Public Health - USA)
Mathematical Models of Tuberculosis: Accomplishments and Future
CP14 - Patricia Dias Gomes (Fluminense Federal University - Brazil)
Dynamics of Tuberculosis under Dots Strategy
CP15 - Ana Paula C. Rio Doce (LNCC - National Laboratory for
Scientific Computing - Brazil)
A Stage-Structured Finite Element Model for the Population
Dynamics of Two Intertidal Barnacles with Interspecific
CP16 - José D. Flores (University of South Dakota - USA)
Consequences of Depensation in a Bioeconomic Model for Open-Access
CP17 - Célestin Wafo Soh (Jackson State University - USA)
Heat Kernel Based 3D Reconstruction of Objects from 2D Parallel
CP18 - Jaime Mena-Lorca (Catholic University of Valparaiso -
The Leslie-Gower Predator-Prey Model with Allee Effect on Prey: A
Simple Model with a Rich and Interesting Dynamics
CP19 - Maurício V. Kritz (LNCC - National Laboratory for
Scientific Computing - Brazil)
Sustainability in Floodplain Ecosystems, an Integrated View
CP20 -
Timoteo Carletti (Department of Mathematics, FUNDP - Belgium)
Evolution of a Population of Protocells: Emergence of Species
CP21 - Marcos Salvatierra (State University of Campinas - Brazil)
Mathematical Modeling and Computational Simulation of the Presence
of Toxic Impactant Materials in Cases of Populational Dynamics
with Inter and Intraspecific Competititon
CP22 - Paulo Sávio da Silva Costa (State University of Santa Cruz
- Brazil)
Explorations in Insect Sociality: Towards a Unifying Approach
CP23 - Mariano Rodriguez Ricard (Havana University - Cuba)
Stability of Long-Wave Peristaltic Transport of Compressible
Viscous Fluid
CP24 - Rui Dilão (Technical University of Lisbon - Portugal)
Emergence of a Collective Steady State and Symmetry Breaking in
Plexus of Two and Three Identical Cells
CP25 - Marat Rafikov (UNIJUI, RS - Brazil)
Linear Feedback Control for a Mathematical Model of Tumor Growth
CP26 - Rubem Mondaini (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro -
Dynamical Effects of Torsion on Pods of Leguminosae
- Contributed Papers (Poster):
M. Angélica Maulén Yañez (Catholic
University of Valparaiso - Chile)
Saddlepoint Approximations for the Equilibrium Distribution of the
Stochastic Logistic Model of Population Growth
Samuel Angel Jaramillo
Flórez (Quindio University - Colombia)
Qualitative Prediction of the Biological Processes using
the Percolation Theory
Claudia Mazza
Dias (LNCC - National Laboratory
for Scientific Computing - Brazil)
Numerical Simulation of Water Flux Dynamics in the Parque Estadual
do Cantão (TO)
Eliane dos
Santos de Souza Coutinho (LNCC - National Laboratory
for Scientific Computing - Brazil)
A Mathematical Model for Pirarucu (Arapaima Gigas)
Population Dynamics
Duarte Gandica (Quindio University - Colombia)
Coffee Borer Control by Parasitoids
Rojas-Palma (Catholic
University of Valparaiso - Chile)
Metastability in a Gause Type Predator-Prey Models with
Sigmoid Functional Response and Multiplicative Allee Effect on
Elena Salcedo (Quindio University - Colombia)
Design and Validation of an Optimal Network for Monitoring
the Water Quality in a Hydrological System:
A Case Study
Zulma Escate Lay (Federal University of Amazonas - Brazil)
Classification of the Types of Covering in the Secondary
Hydrography of the River Juma in Apuí - AM
González Guzmán (Catholic
University of Valparaiso - Chile)
Population Genetics for a Non Viable Genotype: A Continuous
Time Model
Camacho (Federal University of Bahia - Brazil)
Lizards Affected by Fractal Dimension of Light Entrance in Forests?
Ercilia de
Stefano (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil)
A Neurocomputational Model of Nicotinic Addiction Chemistry
Armin A.
Weiser (Institute for Theoretical Biology - Germany)
Creation of a Substitution Matrix based on Binding Affinity
only - Performance of a Reduced Set of Amino
Acids for the Search
of Sequence Space